Hatton Special School

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Roding Lane South
Woodford Green
Essex IG8 8EU


020 8551 4131

Hatton Special School

Hatton School: Lighting the fire of curiosity and enquiry in the mind of every pupil.

  1. News & Events
  2. School expansion
  3. FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Where is the upper school site?

The upper school is located on Park Avenue in Ilford.  The postcode is IG1 4RS

Which pupils will be going to the upper school?

Pupils in years 4, 5 and 6 will be part of the upper school.  Next year (Sept 25- July 26) only year 4 and 5 will go there, year six pupils will stay at Roding lane for their final year.

What time will the school day start and finish?

The times of the day will be the same for all pupils, wherever they are located.  8:30 start and 2:30 end of day

Will Hatton teachers be going with the pupils?

Yes, Hatton staff, teachers, LSAs, support staff and therapists will also transfer to the new site. 

How will children be supported with the change?

We will plan transition visits and as the school is nearing completion we will be able to take pictures and videos to use in lessons and produce social stories to support pupils as they prepare for the move.

Will the site be ready for September?

The current plan is that the school will be ready for us to start in September.  If there are changes to this plan you will be told about them in good time.

How much outdoor space is there at the school?

There is a large playground in the central area of the school, there are also plans for a garden area and a quiet/environmental area.  The outdoor areas are smaller at the Park Avenue site but there will be fewer pupils in upper school.

Will my child be able to get Redbridge transport to Hatton upper school?

 Yes, transport will be provided in the usual way

How will the buses deliver the children?

School busses will drop pupils off on the driveway in front of the school building.  The design of the site allows buses to park across the front of the school, there will be a fence and automatic gates. Pupils can then get off the bus and go into the hall.

Will there be the same facilities?

The facilities at upper school will be different but we do plan to have facilities like a sensory room and soft play.  There will be equipment in the playground and a gym and equipment for PE and being active.

What are the options if I want to change school?

Parents can request a change of placement at any time, this is done at annual review where a change of placement is indicated on the report.  Staff at the local authority will then support families with the process.

Are there places for parents to park around there?

There is some parking on the street, although there are restrictions in some areas.  Arrangements for parent drop off and collection are yet to be finalised.

Will parents be able to visit the school?

There will be opportunities to visit the school when the building works are nearing completion and the site is safe.  We will have an open evening once we are in the new building.  We will also hold the regular schedule of events like the meet the teams evening, parent’s evenings etc. 


Please send any further questions and comments to schoolexpansion@hattonspecialschool.co.uk

We will update this page as more questions come in and the project progresses. 

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